Upcoming Reviews

I've got a lot to do! And not a whole lot of time to do it all!

Big thanks to those of you who view the blog. Google Reminds me that I'm almost to 3,000 views! Very good news. Might have to finally roll out a youTube page one of these days.

None the less, the Schiit Vali, Audio GD NFB10ES 2, Hifiman Hm 801, Special surprise and Denon D2k [+Custom Wood Driver Backs] all need to be reviewed.

Along with my iBasso Pb1. For the time Being I'll be starting and posting the Vali review Today. But look forward to a nice xPlosion of post here soon.

For now pictures!

Audio GD NFb10ES2

Hifiman Hm801

iBasso Pb1

Schiit Vali 

iFi iCan Special Edition