Tipping the Scales - Topping's Terrific E30

As a huge fan of the Topping D10 I was excited to hear about the E30, and after a few weeks of listening I'm happy to say my excitement was warranted! Priced at only $130 over at Apos Audio, E30 redefines what we should expect from DACs at this price point. 

Let me also give a big thank you to the Apos Team who provided me with a review sample of this DAC in exchange for my honest thoughts and opinion. 

Build Quality & Function

Similar to D10 and Schiit's own Modi 3, E30 features a modest but functionally competent metal chassis. It's construction features clean seams with no sharp edges or roughness and a seamless black front display panel. 

The rear panel assembly is clean and each input socket is seated firmly without any wiggle or movement when plugging in RCA and USB jacks. E30 differs from D10 functionally in that is only has analog RCA Line outputs and no Digital Coax out. It does how ever have Digital Coax input which I used for this review. 

I'm also happy to see a dedicated 5V power input present and separate from the USB Data input alongside two other common digital inputs, Coaxial SPDIF and Optical, which allow it to interface with a much wider range of devices. 

Sound Quality & Comparisons

For this review I ran USB out form my Dell Laptop running Foobar 2k, WASAPI into my Topping D10 and fed Coaxial out into the E30, my listening impressions where done with my Koss ESP95X and stock energizer all plugged into a Furman M-8X power conditioner. 

E30 also includes a wireless remote that is needed to adjust change between 6 digital filters. For my review I changed from the Default #3 Filter to #1 Sharp Filter.

Overall I found E30 has a leaner energetic presentation with above average staging depth and detail, but only average staging cohesion. Vocals and other mid-range heavy spectra where often a little drier than I preferred but low frequencies where taught and it's top end wasn't overly exaggerated. 

It's envelope had some slight emphasis on Attack without much discernible loss of perceived decay, sustain and release. I appreciate it's slight tactile edge without losing the ability to sustain quieter sounds as they fall into silence. 

E30 vs D10

 As much as I love D10's function, namely it's seamless and driverless USB to COAX conversion, I find it's presentation of space rather flat. Tonality is fairly clean with only some slight top end emphasis and it manages to reproduce audible width sufficiently but presents a below average sense of depth. 

E30 in comparison offers a real palpable sense of depth! Quite literally reproducing the audible nuances that are present when recording music in a real space. This nuance is most audible when listening to live recordings and material where the acoustics of the room, space or venue can be heard. Now not every piece of music will have that "sound" of the room captured and preserved, some studios will likely work to remove it from the master especially if the room itself has bad acoustics. Still, I have found labels like Chesky Records and Mapleshade Records not only capture these acoustics but often record in spaces that are complimentary to the music it self! An I value having accurate reproduction of these acoustics regardless of whether or not they're favorable. 

E30 vs Modi 3

I'll admit, tonally I like Modi 3 more than E30, Modi 3 also presents better staging cohesion and brings a realistic richness to the mid-range. My qualm with Modi 3 tho is the way it reproduces low frequency spectra. Modi 3 often softens these frequencies making them too round and full. While it's not obvious on every piece of recorded music I own, it's unmistakable and difficult to ignore when present.  

E30 on the other hand presents clean taut lows, and while I'd like a bit more naturalness in the mid-range the lack of it isn't distracting or ultimately detrimental. So I while Modi has it's strengths it also it's fair share of possible detriments where as E30 is overall a cleaner and easier to integrate DAC. 


Overall E30 proves itself amazingly competent. It's clean tonality, taut response and of detail make it hands down one of the very best DACs I've heard around $100! I think the $30 stretch over $100 is well worth it given the clarity and detail you get, so the Topping E30 get's my full recommendation.    

iFi iCan Special Edition